Passion. Science Based Method. Experience. Motivation.

Habit Change is possible. The neuroscience of change is the proof. As we start repeating the new desired action over time with frequency, scientists can see new neural pathways start to light up in our brain. They are the brain’s shortcuts to creating a new habit. As we travel these new pathways more and more (consistency) the neural activity becomes more prominent and eventually we have a new habit.


Common client goals include: 

  • Have more energy

  • Reduce stress

  • Eat better

  • Develop a consistent exercise routine

  • Feel better

  • Lead with confidence

  • Deepen relationships

  • Develop a more positive outlook

  • Build community after a transition

  • Cultivate a positive mindset in their children 

  • Live a more meaningful life

  • Live life with more awareness

As a change coach, Aycha can work with you to identify and achieve what’s most important to you in almost any area of life.

Even when the rewards and motivation are high, habit change is a process. It can take time. Aycha Williams is a Duke University Integrative Medicine Trained Health Coach that follows a process model in working with clients towards their desired health goals.

This process model recognizes that each individual is unique. We have different backgrounds, experiences, responsibilities, and we have our own way of doing things. This is why one size fit all recipes may not work for everyone.

Aycha walks along with each client as they create their own health plans and practice their health goals. Thinking ahead of and learning from bumps on the road lead the way for long term success.

Curious to find out more? Schedule a 30 minute complimentary session here.